I don’t do it only because I have a slight case of technophobia but because it actually gives me a reason to smile when I collect my mail. That’s why I write letters to some friends, yes the old fashion way. I got two pen pals have had them for more than a year now I would say even though email is so immediate and I sit in front of a computer all day at work so it works for me but neither one of my pen pals has the means to access e-mail so we communicate through mail. They are not the first people I community via snail mail with, I love sending updates and some of my short stories to my niece. But again, my pen pals don’t have the advantages I have even the telephone gets costly for my pals so this is how we can keep in touch.
I love receiving friendly letters in the mail although it does get a bit tiresome sending them out. With letters you have to actually write them and sometimes my carpal tunnel acts up so I can’t hold the pen then my penmanship sucks so I worry that the person on the other end won’t understand me anyway! I cheat sometimes and type the dam thing. Then you have to write the address down and even though I’ve been writing to my pals for more than a year now I still haven’t memorized their addresses; where’s autofill when you need it. Then you place the letter in the envelope, seal it don’t forget the stamps which by the way are more frequently increasing in price, like at the pump, so you’re better off buying the “Forever First Class Stamp” it’s value is guaranteed no matter the increase. I know I didn’t get it either until I checked out the US Postal Service website http://www.usps.com/communications/newsroom/2007/sr07_011.htm which states:
“Research has shown that customers prefer the Forever stamp for the convenience it offers by easing the transition for mailing letters when prices change. When postage changes in the future, it will reduce the need to buy one- and two-cent stamps.
The last thing you do is Drop that baby in the mail and wait. There you have it. I was just being dramatic about the “tiresome” bit cause of course I still want to keep in touch. I must say that I like the lack of immediate gratification, letters come in spurts and you’re not robbed of the element of surprise by a chime going off announcing its arrival. I like looking through my mail and finding that one envelope with handwritten addresses. Maybe even some tape across the lip of the envelope to reinforce the confidentiality being transmitted. Sometimes you get an envelope that looks like it was hit up by some taggers, the sender just had so much to say the letters contents spilled out. Unlike the other items I receive in the mail those letters are the only giving ones; not out to collect my money. They give me laughs, secretes, hope and contact…a bond with another individual. Yes like e-mail, but different ritual.