
Showing posts from October, 2013


I am worth more than the difference in my bank account. I work to keep it balanced -to keep it alive; everything, everybody needs to get fed. What kind of Libra would I be getting off balanced? I’ve accomplished more than what’s on that list. All the things left unchecked, still got work to do. Tomorrow, there is always more for tomorrow. Keeps me hungry, working on the deficit keeps me on the prowl for more. Immigrant child, shuffling is in my blood. I’m more than my expectations more than what I have been. More than what I can imagine. More than what I think I know. Who can really know evolution before it’s time? I am more than what I should know. On my feet thinking, thinking to stay on my feet. Gotta figure things out- survival. Gotta get it right- survive. No I won't get back to you with an answer to your question. Do your homework! I’ll do mine, unlearn the pressure to know. This is Col