
Showing posts from July, 2008

What’s In a Name?

What’s In a Name?                           What’s In a Name?                                                    What’s In a Name? I got so embarrassed when he asked me. As Raquel would say it- I felt like he had just looked at my asshole.    Ashamed, embarrassed that he had pointed it out all the while pushing back the rush I got from thinking of showing him some more.    Bending over spreading them if you will. Can I be an introverted exhibitionist? Cause that’s how I feel at times with my writing. I perform it- but that’s about the only way that I felt more reassured of doing it.    In other words, I’m insecure about my writing.    PHEW! Ok there I said it.    But I have been saying it a lot. I will probably say it a lot more times. I will be obsessed with writing about how I have problems writing.    I will write myself into and out of a paperbag.     I believe it was either Stephen King- I could be way off but someone suggested that the struggling author, the writer’s block inflic