
Showing posts from July, 2020

BLM Owes Me Nothing!

(R.I.P Vanessa Guillen) 1. I think that when you organize a social justice event; participate in a rally or a cause it’s because something about that issue moved you very deeply. You were drawn in even though the energy doesn’t completely mirror your experiences. It’s is still magical, transformative and impacting to fight for your beliefs and your values, to see so many people fight against injustices fills me with hope for humanity. I feel human again, am reminded that I am part of the human race. I’m embarrassed to say it, but I feel heroic, the way they always stand on the side of what’s right. 2. I never approach a social justice cause conditionally, do you? Is your political support conditional? Do you go..? Have you gone to a BLM rally and told yourself “alright I’m here, but these bitches better show up when my community puts on a rally!” Do you sign a petition advocating for LBGT rights and think “ok, but when my ass is getting discriminated against, y’all p