
Showing posts from April, 2008


  I. Carpe diem!    Seize the day! Seizing it our way!    What the fuck do we have to lose? Balls out we bring it to the stage.    All the shit we think about, are close to, have been touched and troubled by gets dickwhipped in our process circles. That’s where we create what you see before you- that’s how we make sense of the world. Art- our life. We seize the day ‘cause tomorrow we’ll be gone like the homeless elbowed out of skid row (of all places!)    by expansionism, gentrification and the mantra: “if we build on top of that mess then no one will ever know it was there”. Dolla! Dolla! Bills ya’ll! Gone! Like yesterday’s hood-fame act. Gone!    Like a dead-beat dad. Gone! Like the fourth member? And who will remember? II. We remember. What once existed and what scarred us with its absence.    The lack of female masculine role models  is  my phantom  limb . The craving for connection – constant need for validation lands one in painful  positions, huh?  It distorts you, t urns you in