Boy did we get inked. We walked out of Tattooland with not jus tattoos but some awesome works in progress; huge pieces. Like my novia said after she saw the pictures I sent her, that we were all about “going big or going home!" She also said that the bois on Culver Avenue had big balls...so there. After a painful 3 hour session of actual tattooing, the needle etching and or as Mari described, drilling ink on our skin, we still have to go back to finish them off. Why? Well first because the tattooist didn’t want to continue after working on us for more than 4 hours each- including sketching and all. I don’t care what anyone tells you, tats are PAINFUL. After a while of just laying there and taking it I had to ask Big Chuey if we could take a break. Fuck it! I tapped out. I was flat-lining, passing out from the pain everything felt so tender and crossing my legs the way I was doing to bare the pain wasn’t helping anymore. Drama, right!? The worst part was that Big Chuey was on a roll and didn’t feel like taking a break. I felt him. There are times when I'm writing and get on this groove that I don't want to stop and don't want anything to stop me. I get it, he was ridding his creative wave....BUT it hurt. “You’re loosing me Chuey,” I almost bolted out when just in time the Big Chuey decided to stop.
My dude Big Chuey, was good from the word go. He saw the design I brought in with me and after much oohing and ahhing, he got to drawing the design free-hand on my back. He took advantage of every spot of brown that peeked through my tank top. I got more and more nervous as I felt the tip of his pen and highlighter go lower down my arm or higher up my back, for a minute there I thought he was going to make me look all gangster by tattooing my neck but I couldn’t stop the guy even if it felt like he was plastering a mural on my back. Big Chuey was inspired “Nice! Sweet! Bad Ass,” were his words and I was anxious to see what the finished product would look like. Big Chuey hooked up my speaking/singing/yelling skull- it’s so big it truly looks like a Word Warrior with lots and lots to say as represented by the speech bands coming out of the skull’s mouth. Which is exactly what I wanted because this tattoo represents my coming into my artistic self. It signifies how much I struggled and continue to struggle with my inner critic and the outer critics as well that I let intimidate and stifle my creative process. Now, now I don’t want to put the blame just on others I know my path towards becoming a better writer, an accomplished writer, lies mostly on me. I have to put my best effort forward at all times, I have to makes sure I nurture my ideas, I have to make sure I sit my ass down at my desk and write. After all Warriors including Word Warriors have to be in constant battle with their adversaries, real or psychological, in my case. I have to be really ok with me.
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