For the past two weeks I have been participating in a workshop series called “Our Barrios, Ourselves: Writing from Cement and Skin,” is a Playwrights Intensive. For the past two Sundays I have gathered with other writers from across Los Angeles, and one daring dedicated writer who drives down from San Bernardino to join us. Oliver Meyer and Luis Alfaro have edified us…and I would add the whole class. The exercises the sharing of ideas, the commiserating and co-epiphanating has been so motivating. This for me has been better than caldo de pollo (salvi or Mexican!) como me han destapado estas sesiones. Las palabras sabias de Luis, the way Meyer lead us to be in tune with our feelings and senses, basic shit but so helpful and great in it’s pureness. They, the established playwrights, didn’t offer anything magical and my collugues didn’t talk about being plagued by anything mystical but hearing the plethora of ideas, voices and experiences was so nourishing, me senti alimentada y satisfecha. Just what my soul needed. Writing circles the chicken soup of the writer’s soul?