
Our father
who art in heaven…
Is that why you were never home?
Is that where you’ve been
all these years? In heaven?
Hollowed be my cries
valley of tears at night
alone wishing
you could bring us our daily bread.
Padre nuestro,
el cielo esta tan lejos
y nos cobija
pero me sentĂ­a frĂ­a.

Padre nuestro, estas en los cielos
y la casa vacĂ­a
frĂ­a como hielo.
Padre nuestro
who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name.
Am I really still mad at you
or just mad for this trope?
Hollowed cries
like bark
termites of fear
hollowed me out- canoe inside.
Me pongo frĂ­a
en los tiempos difĂ­ciles
dura, difĂ­cil de traspasar.
Must forgive your trespasses
really, forgive and move on.
Forgive myself for feeling 
like I wasn’t enough.
Forgive myself for walking around
with a chip on my shoulder
really, I  had a chipped shoulder
all that shrugging and sobbing.
I want to deliver me
to me, be full of grace
blessed be all the fruits of my womb.

Our father who are in heaven
do you listen to my prayers?
I rummaged through this shit
so damn much, time to bury
la pinche hacha
at your feet, pin my milagro
on your shirt wear it
a badge of honor- El perdonado.
Glory be to you father
as it was for me in the beginning
but my eyes were not turned
the right way to see…glory
is now and ever shall just be.
Just be.


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