I am worth more
than the difference in my bank account.
I work to keep it balanced -to keep it
alive; everything, everybody needs to get fed.
What kind of Libra would I be getting off balanced?

I’ve accomplished more than what’s on that list.
All the things left unchecked, still got work to do.
Tomorrow, there is always more for tomorrow.
Keeps me hungry, working on the deficit
keeps me on the prowl for more.
Immigrant child, shuffling is in my blood.

I’m more than my expectations
more than what I have been.
More than what I can
imagine. More than what I think I know.
Who can really know evolution before it’s time?

I am more than what I should know.
On my feet thinking, thinking to stay on my feet.
Gotta figure things out- survival.
Gotta get it right- survive.
No I won't get back to you
with an answer to your question.
Do your homework!
I’ll do mine, unlearn the pressure to know.
This is Collective learning.
I could be wiser than my years
say I am. If I trusted me, my intuition,
I’d be counting my blessings
like Ultima.

The knots on my neck?
Dark circles underneath my eyes?
I’m more than those. More than the
the glowing verde of my eyes
at the sight of success in front of my face
while I leaf through
 “thanks, but no thanks,” letters.

I am more than the tears I hide
choke them back, acid down my throat.
Strong women don’t falter. 
Raise my kid, support the family, raise
those shoulders cause there’s more
weight where that came from.
Here’s boss #1 with more demands.
Boss #2 not sure how he will give me more hours
even though my rent went up. Keep it up,
keep them shoulders up and head high.

My love is deeper than our fuck last night.
We said it would be the last night
but Mama needed her back scratched
and you know just the spot.  I lost myself
in you, trying to find the love that welcomed me
the day I was born. Got in deep, deeper into me,
made me wail in pleasure but it will never be as good
as the first cry.  

I am more than your handouts.
It turns my stomach to have my hand out
knowing you can’t, won’t, don’t know how to lift me up.
You kick me first before helping me up. I deserve it
shouldn’t have raised you to be so prideful. 

I’m more than a great Mayan zero
I feel like when you treat me
like your punching bag. Upper cut, to my gut
then a hook to my pride. I’m your a scapegoat.
Feed me your scraps, unprocessed feelings.
Coat me in your anger.
Your anger gets trapped in me, and I feel it.
I understand the charge, I take control, feel
electric when I’m angry, have me looking
for a Billy of my own so I can breath easy.

I am more than the words on this page
that will soon take off, pajaritos a volar!
In search of a perch, a mate they can sing to
be heard, be experienced by. Words to be
kept in a golden locket close to the heart.

I am more. More than my past
that keeps a steady pace on me
as I runaway, refuse to live in it.
I’m coming! I’m coming! Future is calling me.


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