There are those times when feelings are so disorienting, feelings that intimacy like a skeleton key manages to set free. Sometimes they are intense feelings that have nothing to do with what just happened. It happened to... And sometimes it happened during their heavy playing, emotions that had no business being there surfaced all uninvited. Well sort of, they say don’t hate the player hate the game but with BDSM, it was a game of “dropping my guard for you. I am going to fall back and I know you will catch me, in your web of leather strokes and skin-melting-hot- metals. I will be vulnerable with you, to save my vulnerability, be able to trust again. Catch me please.” BDSM, like ALL relationships, is a tough game. It’s easier saying you’re going to let go then actually doing it. It’s not always our choice either to lose it, and BDSM creates that illusion; CONTROL give it and take it. Consent. Bringing down my walls conceptually. But our heart, our mighty mind collide, like all great forces they clash, shifts those faults- were our roots lie and how does one cover up when we are literally naked, sprawled out before another.
Confessional. Witness. Archive. A grounding, where nothing….where I don’t come to die. Ever. My wishing well. My #WriteOrDie I hope this is a treasure for those that find it.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
There are those times when feelings are so disorienting, feelings that intimacy like a skeleton key manages to set free. Sometimes they are intense feelings that have nothing to do with what just happened. It happened to... And sometimes it happened during their heavy playing, emotions that had no business being there surfaced all uninvited. Well sort of, they say don’t hate the player hate the game but with BDSM, it was a game of “dropping my guard for you. I am going to fall back and I know you will catch me, in your web of leather strokes and skin-melting-hot- metals. I will be vulnerable with you, to save my vulnerability, be able to trust again. Catch me please.” BDSM, like ALL relationships, is a tough game. It’s easier saying you’re going to let go then actually doing it. It’s not always our choice either to lose it, and BDSM creates that illusion; CONTROL give it and take it. Consent. Bringing down my walls conceptually. But our heart, our mighty mind collide, like all great forces they clash, shifts those faults- were our roots lie and how does one cover up when we are literally naked, sprawled out before another.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Amigas eroticas (or What the Cameras Didn't Capture)
It started when I saw you naked in the hotel bathroom,
I heard the water drop with urgency
anxious to glisten against your backside.
I walked towards you
to hand you your razor, as you nicely asked.
I approached the bathroom
wondering if the Grizzlies were capable of finding
that underdog fire inside them to beat
the San Antonio Spurs- at least one game.
You parted the curtain,
bent over, reached out for the razor with your left hand
perched your right one on the edge of the tub
while the water smacked off your ass
your hard nipples
waved hypnotically before me.
As the razor flowed from my hand to the floor
I imagined myself walking into the tub,
lifting you so you could hold onto the towel rack
that hung from the ceiling
placing your thighs on my shoulders
and you Cobraing your legs around my neck.
My breath constricted
I forced my tongue through your thighs
Buried it hot and deep inside your chocha,
drinking you como agua de coco right out of its shell
You tasting sweet
And being so wet, I could hear the ocean in your moans.
You begging "Please,
I can't cum anymore,"
I try to stop myself
pull my face away from your pussy
but my lips…
my lips are too, locked
In a French kiss with your clit.
I blinked after 3 seconds and there you were
Still reaching out
For your razor.
I walked away, my pussy lips ruffled with excitement
And tried to concentrate on the sweaty men on TV.
Later that night we exchanged kisses, big ones
small ones, some loose others more involved
as my erection- cause women get hard too
swelled between my legs.
You slipped into your dreams
while wetness collected between my thighs.
The next day we talked and laughed
sometimes even held hands like sweethearts
dodged countless joggers while
languages from all over the world
buzzed and chirped about us.
Soon my longing for you got hotter n' stickier
than the D.C. humidity.
No expectations but overflowing
With anticipation I treaded through the hours
Then I saw you-
walking towards me
Dressed in black from head to toe
your nails the color of fire,
lips dark as plums,
your back bare and lickable
and feet strapped to those 3 inch leather hills,
and my pussy flowed like a cascada.
Right then and there I knew those heals would be digging into my back
later that night
along with U setting my "pent up energy free" con tus dedos
your piercing rubbing against my clit
imprinting your ganas on my arms, back and ass
I'd have your scent under my nails spread across my lips
And I'd finally get to braid my nakedness with yours.
(Image: Anna P. Sutton "I Surrender:)
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
My Motivation
across the tight smooth
fine strokes
pelitos on her belly fine.
Strokes thick
like thumbs
pressing windpipe.
I don’t get I give to myself.
Strokes I can’t get
I give to myself.
If I were
your Master would
you would do
what I’d say?
I’d say
write me sonnets
paint me views
meant only for a blind woman
help me see
make me savor
cook me
meals with your
my ego
there you go
like that
you like that
self confidence in me
let go my Ego
roam free it go
fast it go zoom
sweep you off your
Please don’t jump
my broom.
That’s crossing the line.
Be like me
like me
I don’t like
too, much.
No more
I’m serious. Not marathon
Mono-gamer anymore
I’m serious.
Each day I am faced by my values
the things I like appear
in so many shapes and sizes.
They are so scattered- wanna connect the dots
hand gliding across
from one dot value
to the other. Valuable
information revealed
I see the picture clear.
See her
My Motivation
Lose myself in her
my labyrinth
has me turning corners
doing tricks
to reach her center
where I feel showered
on fire
in light.
The room spins
my breath
feels like a fur ball
hurts my chest.
You make me forget
simple things
like an exhale.
You remind me
that yes I can.
Have it all
Each day
each time with you
is a déjà vu?
Nah, you’re just my dream
coming true.
My Motivation.
across the tight smooth
fine strokes
pelitos on her belly fine.
Strokes thick
like thumbs
pressing windpipe.
I don’t get I give to myself.
Strokes I can’t get
I give to myself.
If I were
your Master would
you would do
what I’d say?
I’d say
write me sonnets
paint me views
meant only for a blind woman
help me see
make me savor
cook me
meals with your
my ego
there you go
like that
you like that
self confidence in me
let go my Ego
roam free it go
fast it go zoom
sweep you off your
Please don’t jump
my broom.
That’s crossing the line.
Be like me
like me
I don’t like
too, much.
No more
I’m serious. Not marathon
Mono-gamer anymore
I’m serious.
Each day I am faced by my values
the things I like appear
in so many shapes and sizes.
They are so scattered- wanna connect the dots
hand gliding across
from one dot value
to the other. Valuable
information revealed
I see the picture clear.
See her
My Motivation
Lose myself in her
my labyrinth
has me turning corners
doing tricks
to reach her center
where I feel showered
on fire
in light.
The room spins
my breath
feels like a fur ball
hurts my chest.
You make me forget
simple things
like an exhale.
You remind me
that yes I can.
Have it all
Each day
each time with you
is a déjà vu?
Nah, you’re just my dream
coming true.
My Motivation.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Mi Mujer
Mi mujer
Al mirar en sus ojos
color cajeta
me pierdo en mi imaginación,
veo su corazón latiendo
por mi
fuerte como el palpite del mío
chocando contra mi pecho.
Sus labios son finos y suaves
Como bombones
Al tocarlos con los míos
Se desbaratan como burbujas
es la sensación
que me dan sus besos
en mis labios
mi cuerpo se llene de emoción
Su belleza de mujer domina
todo mis sueños.
su belleza es un don
la veo por las noches
su figura consume
mis pensamientos todo el día.
Belleza omnipresente
por dentro, por fuera
consumo de lo que me muestra.
Me consume el deseo
de tocar su cuerpo
rozar su piel canela
como la de la Malinche
deseo pecaminoso
causa rechazo.
Pero así lo dijo el destino
Y estiro su rizos
suaves y sedosos, los atrapo
entre mis dientes y los estiro
sus rizos fragantes a coco,
me invitan a que entierre
mi cara en ellos.
Me hacen cosquillas en las nariz
como el olor de aquellos churros
con canela que saboreábamos
cada domingo después de misa.
Me acaricia
sus manos
aprietan mis pechos
como preparando masa
para tamales
la acurruco entre mi pecho
susurro en su oído
siento su boca caliente, pegajosa
resbalosa, resbalando su lengua
sobre mi pezón
se acerca a mi
su boca roza mi boca
“hazme el amor” me pide.
Le doy
un besito seguido por otro
mas largo y profundo
nuestro lenguas bailando
al ritmo, palabras y ternura
de Juan Gabriel.
Volviéndose en actos
En hechos
Haciendo cosas de enamorados.
Besos y caricias interrumpidas
Por te quieros
le echan leña a nuestro pasión
ya ardiente
quema, arde
te hace llorar
como chile habanero.
Siento su humedad que escurre
entre sus piernas
su pulque
la bebida de mis antepasados
beberé como los reyes.
Me alimento de su cuerpo
me animo al oír la gruir de placer.
Es me diosa, le como, chupo
Mamo como si cometiera
Un sacrificio.
Es mi diosa
Diosa azteca piel bronceada estoy para satisfacer
Se desea que la ame
Así lo hare un y otra vez porque es mi mujer
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BLM Owes Me Nothing!
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