The Spirit of My Garden

(for Aruba)

In a corner of my garden my soul grows.
Full stems, dark leaves, my golden-blond-
reddish-in-the-sun fur, blooms into Marigolds.
A marigold from my altar, tipped back by a breeze
took a tumble, crown first then came down stem first
into a pot gaping, calling my name, swallowed me.
My spirit, like a salmon up stream, flowed
into the rich soil.

Still the guardian of my terrain, hard to teach
an old dog new tricks, my scent lingers.
My garden companions, the aguacate tree,
bananas,veggies. Mis amigas,
up to their usual tricks, prance about, chase
each other, harass alley cats and lounge in my radiance.
I see their tails wag, I sway in glee, early
in the mornings our Doña corrals them, our strong pack
still walks the streets.  

*Note, please donate to my poetry marathon. Thank you!


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