
I’m at an interesting period in my life; I’m turning 38. 20 years ago I was a teenager an 18 year old graduating out of high school. The California Academy of Mathematics and Science. CAMS as it is called, is located on the campus of California State University Dominguez Hills. I teach there now, have been for the pat 5 years. It’s an interesting thing to think about, that I am roaming the same grounds that I was when I was 18 and transitioning in life, away from the shelters of the post-high school world. I’ve found some of my writing from that era and I wanted to share how I saw the world back then, how I told stories before I knew I was even telling them. Some of my writings are essays for various universities or educational programs. Others are creative writing pieces…don’t matter they’re all part of this “20 Year Itch”


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