Confessional. Witness. Archive. A grounding, where nothing….where I don’t come to die. Ever. My wishing well. My #WriteOrDie I hope this is a treasure for those that find it.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Bus Stop
It was hot outside, the air was thick with the kind of heat that warps roads when you look down them, the kind of heat that makes Las Doñas keep cool by balancing objects on top of their heads- they way they did back in their homelands. It was the kind of heat that makes peoples ignore two women holding each other, displaying their love publicly. But to me the heat was like a million pins piercing my skin. Your hair was up in two ponytails that said little girl inhibition but the Baby-T you were wearing framed your tetas with a deep smile and shouted out your lust with every inhale. At least that’s what my hunger heard. You caught my eyes buried in your cleavage and flirtatiously pressed your chest against me. Had you put your hands down my pants your fingers would’ve discovered that my pussy had already licked its lips in anticipation for yours. With one bite I injected my cravings for you into my bottom lip paralyzing my urges till we got home. We looked down the street to catch sight of the graffitied- ghetto chariot that would take us back to our apartment. Back to our bedroom- the trenches of our lovemaking, where we left a queen sized bead looking disemboweled, the linens strewn about like flaccid limbs and some red, lacy, sticky underwear speckling the floor.
When finally saw it coming, our chariot, and our hearts like our clits did a big flip with joy. We saw its bug and dirt smeared eyes full of desperation as it struggled to make it over the hump in the road. It stopped before us and let out a drawn out wheeze from its tires and engine as if it understood the sadness, tiredness, hunger, frustration and now our yearning, it carried in its entrails. We clasped our fingers around each other’s so we wouldn’t get separated on the battle to get on board as people pushed and shoved diving for available seats. I saw two free seats and headed straight for them. As I walked towards the back I hit my knee against some guy’s suitcase and tripped over a ladies bag of groceries sending her onions across the gummy floor of the bus. The lady looked at me with crinkled eyebrows that looked more like a writhing caterpillar, not until you came up behind me and picked up her onions dusting them off on your jeans did she flash a jagged coffee stained smile.
From the back of the bus, our shirts stuck to our backs with sweat, peoples heads bobbed back and forth as if they were jamming to the same tune inside their heads but really they were asleep- soothed by the bus rocking in the bumper to bumper traffic. You traced your finger over the palm of my hand silently weaving my love line and present line into a future line with you. I pressed my nose to your head and wished to be forever braided into your thoughts. It seemed like an entire day had gone by and even though globs of people spilled out at every stop more filed in and still our stop was nowhere in sight.
Finally arrived at our stop! We busted out of the double-doors and stretched out the stiffness in our joints like two lazy cats and walked home. But with each step our home seemed to be getting farther and farther away and my legs felt like I was dragging two wet mops. I couldn’t wait any longer and the packets of spit on the sides of my cheeks exploded flooding my mouth with the memory of being next to your naked body. So I took off running. I wanted to catch up to our house, to stop it from running away with our bed. You took off running after me, and the wind played Double-Dutch with your ponytails. I heard your tenny -shoes slapping the pavement behind me as I reached for the air in front of me with each stride. I pounced onto the front steps. Panting I dug in my pockets for the keys and got the door open. I wrapped my arms around you, pressed my sweat streaked face to yours and gave you a kiss that was more breathtaking than the sprint we had just completed. Within minutes we were naked, our clothes melted off with the heat of our craving for each other. We wrestled to our bed where we remained glued together for hours by the juices of our lovemaking. We fell asleep with our bodies throbbing with satisfaction and woke the next day with love bites tattooed over our breast, thighs and backs- sheltered in our bedroom.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Compton O.G.
How many words?
A thousand is what they say.
And what say you
this picture says?
Can you tell I’m listening?
Growing like Alice before your eyes?
My chest
hot air balloon
gets bigger
each bag I drop.
don’t want to be lame.
Enough with the bottoming
coming on top
like an immigrant
Daughter of an immigrant
work till you lose
your home
your family
Work to get that flame
going higher
gets me higher
deep as smile lines.
opening like a drawbridge
rusted with years
of tears
for fears
now rosebuds open in my chest
ideas pop like stys before my eyes
and I feel.
I feel it stinging
and I feel.
I can say it all
I’m a Compton O.G
Oh GirL
Oh geez!
Orale Guey!
from Compton
Original Genius
descendant from
the line of OG authors
from Compton
Oh Gosh!
Wait no descendants?
Def not as long a list
as the physically gifted
star ballers’
we’ve produce
I must ascend.
But you don’t see
all that
in this picture that’s worth
a thousand words.
Just dropped 192
still owe you…
Moving on
with the story
my life as a storyteller
constant theme.
Next season on Compton’s OG…
whatever I want
I want.
Do I ruin it all
for yall?
Compton’s OG.
Original Genius.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
35 Capas
Me gano
Me gano
Me gano, mano
la tercera es la vencida.
So, hay les va!
deshacer con el desperdicio
como dead skin.
Como se dice?
35 capas
talla duro, raspa
esa capa
como coreana.
Convierte piel
como se dice “rice paper”?
como recién nacida.
Vuelve a nacer
a lo mas básico
1 + 1 son 2.
Hay mas que pulir!
Pulir es vivir.
Todavía mas que borrar.
Pero como ARDE!
Te hace recordar
actos pasados…
toma DOS.
Te hace recordar
actos pasados disque pa borrar
el pasado.
como rompehielos
rompe piel
cercas de mis costillas
siento escurrir
un chorrito de sangre.
como la verdad revelada.
Pero nada revela
carne blanca
como unos chicotazos.
Dejando sus huellas calientes
como un cerillo.
Rápidos, como le vida de un cerillo.
1- chicotazo
2- chicotazos
3- para encender mi espalda
No me estorbes
mis pensamientos
mis emociones
me estorban.
Se ponen en mi camino
les doy la vuelta
y mi vida es un ciclo
Talla, mas!
Ya mero
como cofre
tu piel
un espejo.
ya te puedes ver.
Capa 36
la unica que cuenta
usala como traje de emperador!
Veelo! Si no lo vez
es por ignorante-
mejor se sincera.
Me gano
Me gano, mano
la tercera es la vencida.
So, hay les va!
deshacer con el desperdicio
como dead skin.
Como se dice?
35 capas
talla duro, raspa
esa capa
como coreana.
Convierte piel
como se dice “rice paper”?
como recién nacida.
Vuelve a nacer
a lo mas básico
1 + 1 son 2.
Hay mas que pulir!
Pulir es vivir.
Todavía mas que borrar.
Pero como ARDE!
Te hace recordar
actos pasados…
toma DOS.
Te hace recordar
actos pasados disque pa borrar
el pasado.
como rompehielos
rompe piel
cercas de mis costillas
siento escurrir
un chorrito de sangre.
como la verdad revelada.
Pero nada revela
carne blanca
como unos chicotazos.
Dejando sus huellas calientes
como un cerillo.
Rápidos, como le vida de un cerillo.
1- chicotazo
2- chicotazos
3- para encender mi espalda
No me estorbes
mis pensamientos
mis emociones
me estorban.
Se ponen en mi camino
les doy la vuelta
y mi vida es un ciclo
Talla, mas!
Ya mero
como cofre
tu piel
un espejo.
ya te puedes ver.
Capa 36
la unica que cuenta
usala como traje de emperador!
Veelo! Si no lo vez
es por ignorante-
mejor se sincera.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Good Sub: Part II
“Let’s see, what else is left for me?” B scanned her to-do-list “wear your leather bodysuit .”
B giggled at the idea of her suit being a “full-bodysuit” it looked more like a bunch of leather strips masterfully braided together by Daddy’s best friend and leather extraordinaire, Pig. No one designed leather gear like Pig who managed to make those strips of leather look so good, sexy and fashion forward. Daddy loved the bodysuit and B loved getting him all wet and hard. She got him hard and he fucked her; win-win situations excited her. The truth was that the bodysuit was also one of B’s favorites. The suite exposed so much of her skin, looking more like an “outline” of a bodysuit. Thick leather strips covered her nipples, with a built in ass-lift, the bodysuit was not quite crotch-less but framed her pussy lips perfectly; keeping them under pressure as if bound. She felt fucken nasty in it and desirable, always ready and open…always for her Daddy.
“I’m ready for you,” B would say looking straight into his eyes. B could pinpoint the second Daddy was fully turned on- something about the way his left eyebrow twitched. “I’m ready for you,” B would repeat just to see the twitch again. B liked to Top, but not in a snap-a-wrathful-whip-slashing-skin type of way but she used her words, her looks snapped at Daddy to the core. TWITCH.
Her bodysuit was just another way that B took a snap at Daddy. She liked that it was bare in the crotch, it saved time, he was always so hungry for her cunt and B loved letting him have it. He wanted her so much, B could tell the way he fucked her pussy as if it was going extinct, he fucked her as if his dick would be forever out of commission. No one had ever made B feel like that before, like her pussy walls were collapsing onto each other, like her soul was being expunged. For good or for bad Daddy always fucked her the same.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Good Sub: Part I
B looked at the clock, the tiny multicolored brackets flashed with vigor, it was her alarm reminding her that Daddy would be home in thirty minutes. Her nipples wet, cold and hard peered from the clammy water. She dreaded getting out of the bath. She loved to soak in hot water seasoned with mint and lavender scented Epson salts- just as Daddy had taught her to do. He stressed the importance of self-care to B, “how can I expect you to take care of my needs if you don’t know how to take care of your own,” he insisted.
B couldn’t refute, it took a lot of hard work to please Daddy. Today alone she had already shined 4 pair of boots, cleaned his chaps and vests, untangled floggers, set up the play room:
1. candles lit,
2. Daddy’s toy chest unlocked.
3. lube
4. gloves
5. First Aid kit
6. water and snacks
7. music set at the appropriate level
She stepped out the tub and checked her cunt in the mirror and admired her recently trimmed pubic hairs; a fine layer. Not too fine nothing too, prepubescent for Daddy. He liked his little girls to look grown. She trimmed herself right over the trashcan her brown shavings flaked right on top of the white crumpled tissues, in plain sight for Daddy to see, just a little something for the pig in him. Twenty minutes and counting, B needed to hurry. Knowing Daddy, he had packed his brief case, grabbed his coat, walked out of his office, locked the door, jiggled it one, two, three times to make sure it was locked, wished his Program Assistant a good afternoon, grabbed his sunglasses out of his left breast pocket and skipped out of the office at five on the dot.
Her Daddy, so handsome so ritualistic she loved his discipline. Daddy’s rules, everywhere she turned. The bed always nice and tidy, slippers peaking out from under the bed, floors vacuumed every third day, boots never scuffed, his favorite cock along with his other “pieces” stored in the third drawer of his dresser. Always stored ribbed red condoms for his brown cock, the one he liked to fuck her with the most, and the underwear he bought her always crotch-less if she was going to wear any at all. B was rewarded, deeply, sinfully painfully every time she followed Daddy’s rules. Ssss fuck! Time was ticking and she was so wet from daydreaming, pussy throbbing she took a deep breath, trying to control her cunt’ s pounding. Cunt pounding! Cunt pounding! Cunt pounding. Seventeen minutes to get ready and counting! She exhaled, and read over her list of tasks, she had a few yet to complete.
B couldn’t refute, it took a lot of hard work to please Daddy. Today alone she had already shined 4 pair of boots, cleaned his chaps and vests, untangled floggers, set up the play room:
1. candles lit,
2. Daddy’s toy chest unlocked.
3. lube
4. gloves
5. First Aid kit
6. water and snacks
7. music set at the appropriate level
She stepped out the tub and checked her cunt in the mirror and admired her recently trimmed pubic hairs; a fine layer. Not too fine nothing too, prepubescent for Daddy. He liked his little girls to look grown. She trimmed herself right over the trashcan her brown shavings flaked right on top of the white crumpled tissues, in plain sight for Daddy to see, just a little something for the pig in him. Twenty minutes and counting, B needed to hurry. Knowing Daddy, he had packed his brief case, grabbed his coat, walked out of his office, locked the door, jiggled it one, two, three times to make sure it was locked, wished his Program Assistant a good afternoon, grabbed his sunglasses out of his left breast pocket and skipped out of the office at five on the dot.
Her Daddy, so handsome so ritualistic she loved his discipline. Daddy’s rules, everywhere she turned. The bed always nice and tidy, slippers peaking out from under the bed, floors vacuumed every third day, boots never scuffed, his favorite cock along with his other “pieces” stored in the third drawer of his dresser. Always stored ribbed red condoms for his brown cock, the one he liked to fuck her with the most, and the underwear he bought her always crotch-less if she was going to wear any at all. B was rewarded, deeply, sinfully painfully every time she followed Daddy’s rules. Ssss fuck! Time was ticking and she was so wet from daydreaming, pussy throbbing she took a deep breath, trying to control her cunt’ s pounding. Cunt pounding! Cunt pounding! Cunt pounding. Seventeen minutes to get ready and counting! She exhaled, and read over her list of tasks, she had a few yet to complete.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Hating on Proposals
Dear Selection Committee,
You want me to tell you
why I deserve the money
what I’d do with the money?
How will I grow you, money?
I’m going to use your money
and make you look good.
Oh yeah, make you look
so fucken good.
Cause I’m good.
We good?
People gon’ say
“Damn, how did they know
she was good?”
And that just means you gooder
than me.
You’re GOOD.
You’re a mother FUCKING
putting this genius on stage.
Yeah, I said genius….
who else does your institution
I need to puSh thiS Shit out!!!!!
Ssssss, but it hurts
brain like
impacted glands
have me dragging my ass around
Pinch that shit tight, squeeze
like a penny pincher.
Come now, give me that money.
Let me show you how loud I toot
toot, toot, toot-a-loot
a lot of praises
and raises of the bar
going up to it and ordering
falling in that order
and getting mine…
Me, Goaltender!
Tending my goals,
can’t have them dropping
like chickens in the heat.
Cause, see I’m from the hood
from a working immigrant
to working like an immigrant.
Don’t you like to hear that?
How come we haven’t met?
I’ll have that money coming in
I’m talking gross
not net.
All this talk about money
Give me the money
and I’ll show you how it’s done.
1500 words?
What time is it?
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit I’ve already won.
Before you know it,
you’ll have me
3 or 4
your proposals.
You know it!
Asking me to do it again.
Great expectations
like a champion.
I’m a winner.
I’m a winner!
Enough with this word play.
Approve my proposal
I call it “Pay Day”!
Yours sincerely,
You want me to tell you
why I deserve the money
what I’d do with the money?
How will I grow you, money?
I’m going to use your money
and make you look good.
Oh yeah, make you look
so fucken good.
Cause I’m good.
We good?
People gon’ say
“Damn, how did they know
she was good?”
And that just means you gooder
than me.
You’re GOOD.
You’re a mother FUCKING
putting this genius on stage.
Yeah, I said genius….
who else does your institution
I need to puSh thiS Shit out!!!!!
Ssssss, but it hurts
brain like
impacted glands
have me dragging my ass around
Pinch that shit tight, squeeze
like a penny pincher.
Come now, give me that money.
Let me show you how loud I toot
toot, toot, toot-a-loot
a lot of praises
and raises of the bar
going up to it and ordering
falling in that order
and getting mine…
Me, Goaltender!
Tending my goals,
can’t have them dropping
like chickens in the heat.
Cause, see I’m from the hood
from a working immigrant
to working like an immigrant.
Don’t you like to hear that?
How come we haven’t met?
I’ll have that money coming in
I’m talking gross
not net.
All this talk about money
Give me the money
and I’ll show you how it’s done.
1500 words?
What time is it?
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit I’ve already won.
Before you know it,
you’ll have me
3 or 4
your proposals.
You know it!
Asking me to do it again.
Great expectations
like a champion.
I’m a winner.
I’m a winner!
Enough with this word play.
Approve my proposal
I call it “Pay Day”!
Yours sincerely,
Monday, August 20, 2012
Unas cuantas cucharadas
de miel
mezclado con jugo de limón.
Jarabe agridulce, lubrica
esa resequedad en
mi garganta.
Amargura silenciosa
que ahorca.
Me ahogo- tos
que raspa contra mis paredes
ecos del pasado
atrapados, pulsando
contra mis amígdalas.
Es infeccioso
como mantra
se me graba-
la mala maña
de tragarme
mis emociones,
que telaraña
que al fin se escapa
como calentura por mis poros
de mi ser enfermizo.
Embragada en un libro.
Caminar en la playa.
Unas nalgadas.
Unos besitos.
Espalda arañada.
¿Una palabra
ajustada contra la pagina,
como cura?
La palabra en mi diario
me ajusta, como un quiropráctico.
Me ajustan palabras
Siempre restan
para otro día.
Mañana- siempre llegare
a mañana mientras tenga
algo pendiente que expresar.
Escribo para no sentirme sola
Saber que no estoy sola.
En soledad
Intento tocar
tu pecho.
Vaporub caliente
Enredando te
Con mis enredos.
Around my finger
pero te recuerdo
y te quiero-
Te de manzanilla.
Te de yerba buena.
Te de canela.
Te de naranja, con canela y un hueso de aguacate
olorosa a sobaco.
Chocha sudada
olor atrapado en tus bellitos.
babosa, resbalosa, cascara dura
suave y brilloso tu interior
apacigua las punzadas que siento.
Tomó te
Un shot de tequila
cosquillitas en mi garganta
Lagrimitas acarician
Mi mejía
como decía
Que siempre compartir
me dijiste
“tienes talento…
eso ay que compartir”
Comparto contigo
comparto con migo
me despido
Pero no sin ruido.
Como chicharrón
Siempre haciendo ruido.
el momento.
Con presión
fluye como sangre
Ajo para alivianar la sangre
no traerla pesada
causa mucha presión.
siento las patas
calambres, me voy a cagar!
El culo tronando
Estomago revuelto
Empiezo a sudar!
Mi cabeza…
veo zopilotes
apesta a mortura
veo mi muerte.
Toalla caliente
arde contra mis ovarios
no me cague
ni vomite
me vine.
ay que remedio.
de miel
mezclado con jugo de limón.
Jarabe agridulce, lubrica
esa resequedad en
mi garganta.
Amargura silenciosa
que ahorca.
Me ahogo- tos
que raspa contra mis paredes
ecos del pasado
atrapados, pulsando
contra mis amígdalas.
Es infeccioso
como mantra
se me graba-
la mala maña
de tragarme
mis emociones,
que telaraña
que al fin se escapa
como calentura por mis poros
de mi ser enfermizo.
Embragada en un libro.
Caminar en la playa.
Unas nalgadas.
Unos besitos.
Espalda arañada.
¿Una palabra
ajustada contra la pagina,
como cura?
La palabra en mi diario
me ajusta, como un quiropráctico.
Me ajustan palabras
Siempre restan
para otro día.
Mañana- siempre llegare
a mañana mientras tenga
algo pendiente que expresar.
Escribo para no sentirme sola
Saber que no estoy sola.
En soledad
Intento tocar
tu pecho.
Vaporub caliente
Enredando te
Con mis enredos.
Around my finger
pero te recuerdo
y te quiero-
Te de manzanilla.
Te de yerba buena.
Te de canela.
Te de naranja, con canela y un hueso de aguacate
olorosa a sobaco.
Chocha sudada
olor atrapado en tus bellitos.
babosa, resbalosa, cascara dura
suave y brilloso tu interior
apacigua las punzadas que siento.
Tomó te
Un shot de tequila
cosquillitas en mi garganta
Lagrimitas acarician
Mi mejía
como decía
Que siempre compartir
me dijiste
“tienes talento…
eso ay que compartir”
Comparto contigo
comparto con migo
me despido
Pero no sin ruido.
Como chicharrón
Siempre haciendo ruido.
el momento.
Con presión
fluye como sangre
Ajo para alivianar la sangre
no traerla pesada
causa mucha presión.
siento las patas
calambres, me voy a cagar!
El culo tronando
Estomago revuelto
Empiezo a sudar!
Mi cabeza…
veo zopilotes
apesta a mortura
veo mi muerte.
Toalla caliente
arde contra mis ovarios
no me cague
ni vomite
me vine.
ay que remedio.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Dreams Remembered
I dreamt,
I remember.
been a long time!
No longer will I
say I don’t remember
my dreams,
no longer will I question
why I’m alive.
Dreams, my compass
guide me to what I want to be.
Can’t have higher aspirations
than when your brain is at its highest-
Peek into my future,
close my eyes and see
in front of me.
When I forget what I’m doing,
what I’m set for,
specks of dreams
mark my pace
make my pace
faster, heart, pace
like REM!
Pace myself, stay on track.
Follow my dreams,
Optical illusions?
Desires exposed.
Sitting atop this hill
overlooking Ooh-LA- LA- land
enchanted by the bruised sunset,
smog’s optical illusion,
reminding me that I used to dream.
Before I floated through this world
like smog, heavy visible layer
creating optical illusions
of wonder, I used to dream.
Fingers moving
My words taking
Me the simple marionette
controlled by my dreams
such manipulators
carrot on a stick-
showing me my shtick.
Hit replay
Something’s gonna stick.
Not living vicariously
through No-ONE
just living vigorously.
Mom dreamt that one day
I’d be a secretary
But what do I expect
outta me?
can only dream.
I remember.
been a long time!
No longer will I
say I don’t remember
my dreams,
no longer will I question
why I’m alive.
Dreams, my compass
guide me to what I want to be.
Can’t have higher aspirations
than when your brain is at its highest-
Peek into my future,
close my eyes and see
in front of me.
When I forget what I’m doing,
what I’m set for,
specks of dreams
mark my pace
make my pace
faster, heart, pace
like REM!
Pace myself, stay on track.
Follow my dreams,
Optical illusions?
Desires exposed.
Sitting atop this hill
overlooking Ooh-LA- LA- land
enchanted by the bruised sunset,
smog’s optical illusion,
reminding me that I used to dream.
Before I floated through this world
like smog, heavy visible layer
creating optical illusions
of wonder, I used to dream.
Fingers moving
My words taking
Me the simple marionette
controlled by my dreams
such manipulators
carrot on a stick-
showing me my shtick.
Hit replay
Something’s gonna stick.
Not living vicariously
through No-ONE
just living vigorously.
Mom dreamt that one day
I’d be a secretary
But what do I expect
outta me?
can only dream.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
No thanks, I'm full...of it.
FUCK leather!!
Lately these days
long hours
late nights
shoulders knotted
eyes encircled with shade
head aches
what a nuisance-
leaving me
sin ganas to eat it.
For sure can’t wear it.
Not buying a quarter pound
not paying $200 for grey
leather Highway patrol pants.
Ditching the leather wear
that makes me hard,
wet like the moisture trapped
between my skin and “my skin”.
The truth
my finances have made shit hard
on me.
Every other day
getting mad mail
getting mad at my mail
shouting a big
to the system
of fixed interests
and out of order priorities
I mean principles.
Where are my principles?
Mailed off with 0% interest
just like that! (finger snap)
Sin querer quriendo
I gave it to me hard…again.
But nobody forces
Who forces? What?
My pen on that paper
that credit card in the slot
running it up and down
handling it like a handle
my name on everybody’s
slot machine with lesser returns
retail therapy minus the returns,
keep it-
keep it all.
What APR?
What a gamble.
Cha-ching, cha-ching, cha-ching
Buying “bling”
getting legit-
It aint easy!
Fuck, my priorities
they gotta swing back
Montezuma’s revenge!
Back to the right side.
So fuck that hide!
Fuck it
sin el leather
still denial
no release.
Denying myself
the goods
don’t need release.
Temporary loss, lapse of reality
every time I indulge in the pleasure
Consumption-sumption where’s your gumption?
Consumption-sumption where’s your gumption?
Where’s your gumption?
Fuck, donde se me fueron los cojones?!
Como maricones,
I am scared of my ovaries.
There I said it guys
I said it gays
Looking at you right in the eyes!
Looking at you right dead in your
“I” (plural)
HIV is laden with misogyny
from the beginning
when they couldn’t
wouldn’t mouth the word
HIV equaled a gay man’s disease.
Gay men taking it up the ass = weak
Equals vulnerable
Let’s look at it right there.
My transgender sisters lost in the muddle
puddle of men having sex with men
wanting to be counted for the women
the transgender WOMAN that you are.
Welcome to the invisibilizing world
that is being a woman
try to get them to really see a woman.
Now, transgender woman?
That is way beyond their imaginations
Way, way yonder, farther than this inflation has reached.
The numbers don’t lie
But labels do.
I don’t have
a poem of hunger
haven’t been hungry for a while.
Been stuffed
stuffing myself with other fillers
shoving it back to the creditors
Don’t want to consume.
Symptoms include
awake like “black Friday”
remedy 42 inches of plasma
hung over my theater center
leaving me hung over
with x-rays.
Leaving me full of it
low levels full.
I am full of it.
Masking my discomforts
with comforts…
steady job=
health insurance =
401K =
403 (B)=
sick and vacation days =
Ugh, security!
Security, strived for and received.
Getting my dividends
But not satisfaction
Not satisfied, satisfied
still not satisfied.
Always the dwindling middle class
that’s a sign of no class,
we don’t talk
money in our house.
Wasn’t raised to,
“mums the word”
huh mom?
No one is supposed to know
how poor we were.
Stick that neck out!
Hold that head high
heavy with pride
all that sweat
slides down your back
broken on double shifts.
I don’t want to work
like a mule
dreams smuggled
across the border
chasing a dream
across the border.
American Dream.
Been told all my life
not American
Not Mexican
Not Chicana.
Dream control
You call it lucid dreaming
I call it life
manipulating my dreams.
Been manipulating
for fifteen years
my longest commitment
but why always half committed?
Look at me always spilling
My businesses
Get outta my businessss
Gonna make myself a businesss
Profit from my business
it’s for me
Just a simple pleasure
again and again
thank you stars
for listening
to me HoWL
always up like a night owl
long hours
late nights
shoulders knotted
eyes encircled with shade
head aches.
keep me lucid
don’t want to loose
it, no, no
push it hard
natural birth
it was natural
earned it at birth?
Earn it
My labor of love
a living
writing to live
for a
Keep reminding my self
like skin
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Fucked Up Memory
“It’s just like heaven
bein’ here with you
you’re like an angel
too, good to be true”
-Rosie and the Originals
Too, good to be true?
Huh, must be why I forget
I can have you
whenever I want?
You’re my salt.
You make everything better.
Sweat gathered
under my breasts.
Skin red
under my breasts.
Titties slapping
your ass smacking
against my mound.
Soft-mounds slapping
FUCKEN burlesque
ain’t got nothing
on these.
Don’t make me twirl
these bitches!
Twirl around my thumb
finds your hole
worm myself inside
your hole, tight brown
fade to pink.
Eye squinting
starring at me.
Each time I blow.
Slow, I dig in slow.
My thumb throbs
pressing down on your spot.
I don’t recall
childhood growing pains
ankles never hurt
back no aches
Little avocados
overly ripe
about to burst.
Easily bruised
my EGO
the stares.
Here we go!
Get outta your head!
They say.
Nah, nah,
I get’s into my head.
Close your eyes
lean back
get into my head.
Open wide.
Split you open
my tongue
splashes in your cunt.
You feel me?
That’s called inspire.
I get into my head
sucking hard on
hard swollen clit.
Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Look at you, getting into
my head.
Don’t push me out
let my thoughts
get fermented with you.
Filling up my pores
we penetrate each other.
I get into my head
my thoughts
your juices slipping
between my fingers
opening and reaching
for more of you
grab a fist full of you
have your pulse
in the palm of my hand
have you in the palm of my hand.
You look so good
getting into my head,
got you arched
like a rainbow.
Look at all the colors,
wide blue eyes,
flushed cheeks
cotton candy mouth
screaming “PLEASE!”
Your fingers tangled
with my dark curls.
Dig into my head
smash me into your cunt
make me face my fantasies!
suck you like a slut
Can’t get enough?
Who? You or me?
Juice you like udders
Juice you
till your utters
echo in your throat.
Getting into my head
Cause that’s how I play
so good
like soft violins by the shore.
Call me prodigy.
My tongue flapping
like a fish,
I’m hooked.
going down
slow, down
like a shot.
Curl my fingers
hold you inside, tight
my finger prints all over
your walls.
Every ridge is alive
in the moment
get into momentum.
Squeeze my hand inside you
I want to fuck you to pieces
pump that cunt
fuck you hard
uh con gannas,
ay ese feeling!
Got it hot
the center of my chest
a crescent glows
that there
that’s were my good fucking grows
like your throbs I feel
pressing against my knuckles grow.
Shit gets hot
the puddle under my titties grows.
Mercury you slip through my fingers
quick silver droppings on the floor.
feels so scattered
“Being here with you”
bein’ here with you
you’re like an angel
too, good to be true”
-Rosie and the Originals
Too, good to be true?
Huh, must be why I forget
I can have you
whenever I want?
You’re my salt.
You make everything better.
Sweat gathered
under my breasts.
Skin red
under my breasts.
Titties slapping
your ass smacking
against my mound.
Soft-mounds slapping
FUCKEN burlesque
ain’t got nothing
on these.
Don’t make me twirl
these bitches!
Twirl around my thumb
finds your hole
worm myself inside
your hole, tight brown
fade to pink.
Eye squinting
starring at me.
Each time I blow.
Slow, I dig in slow.
My thumb throbs
pressing down on your spot.
I don’t recall
childhood growing pains
ankles never hurt
back no aches
Little avocados
overly ripe
about to burst.
Easily bruised
my EGO
the stares.
Here we go!
Get outta your head!
They say.
Nah, nah,
I get’s into my head.
Close your eyes
lean back
get into my head.
Open wide.
Split you open
my tongue
splashes in your cunt.
You feel me?
That’s called inspire.
I get into my head
sucking hard on
hard swollen clit.
Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Look at you, getting into
my head.
Don’t push me out
let my thoughts
get fermented with you.
Filling up my pores
we penetrate each other.
I get into my head
my thoughts
your juices slipping
between my fingers
opening and reaching
for more of you
grab a fist full of you
have your pulse
in the palm of my hand
have you in the palm of my hand.
You look so good
getting into my head,
got you arched
like a rainbow.
Look at all the colors,
wide blue eyes,
flushed cheeks
cotton candy mouth
screaming “PLEASE!”
Your fingers tangled
with my dark curls.
Dig into my head
smash me into your cunt
make me face my fantasies!
suck you like a slut
Can’t get enough?
Who? You or me?
Juice you like udders
Juice you
till your utters
echo in your throat.
Getting into my head
Cause that’s how I play
so good
like soft violins by the shore.
Call me prodigy.
My tongue flapping
like a fish,
I’m hooked.
going down
slow, down
like a shot.
Curl my fingers
hold you inside, tight
my finger prints all over
your walls.
Every ridge is alive
in the moment
get into momentum.
Squeeze my hand inside you
I want to fuck you to pieces
pump that cunt
fuck you hard
uh con gannas,
ay ese feeling!
Got it hot
the center of my chest
a crescent glows
that there
that’s were my good fucking grows
like your throbs I feel
pressing against my knuckles grow.
Shit gets hot
the puddle under my titties grows.
Mercury you slip through my fingers
quick silver droppings on the floor.
feels so scattered
“Being here with you”
Monday, April 23, 2012
Gonna write myself out of this mess
Don’t put me in a box
unless it’s a black box.
Me and those walls about to go at it.
Shadow boxing!
Them walls can speak
and they did speak
to me
told me “spill secrets.”
Secrete the truth through my teeth.
Nah I’m lying, cause walls don’t talk
but the floors did
they supported me in everything I said
when times got tough they carried me
me…with all my baggage
they never broke under the pressure
supporting me and the crew.
Popped off in ‘02, wrecking havoc
on stage, black box
experimental creatures
let lose, acting out
pulling from within.
Shit! Had projecting
down to a science
we’s an experiment run amuck.
Dam geeks lost their mind
losing our mind, till we got it together.
Together, asses on the line
taking a bow, curtsey, pound over the heart
wave of the hand, across the lights
given them a hand, they lent us a hand
the guys, behind the switches
wizards of Oz corroborating
in the fantasies, had to be
how else could it be
to feel so alive.
A live performance
just what the doctor ordered
just what this patient
who’s losing
her patience, needs.
That aint right.
Gonna write myself out of this mess
right into that box
black box.
Don’t box me in
No censor
No coffin, no box.
Just remnants of me
black like the walls
markings of me- black
memories, dark cross on your forehead,
“From dust you are and from dust you shall return”
Funny phrases, flashbacks- trying to hit rewind
but it’s time, a smudge.
Dust myself off and try again
if at first
no succeed = a little bit closer.
Get a little bit closer
Don’t be ashamed.
I wanna make you
feel shame
avert my gaze cause you flash back
to you submitting.
I wanna feel dirty with you
like picking at the scab
Jellyfish sting!
Sting like some nalgas
red ridges, rings
pink, crimson, the flesh in between
raw with regret
get turned on
you’ll remember
soreness won’t let you forget.
Let me rest
Like dust on your flesh.
In between the flesh
my discoveries lie
in between the flesh.
Inches and thickness
weapons of mass eruptions
Emotional cockiness
hard with certainty.
Certainly hard to believe
But I do.
I believe in you
First draft, fourth
Going on tenth and I do
recognize you
Clear as my voice
Clear comes the voice
Clear comes the voices!
Bouncing off my head
like they’ve bounced off the walls.
Off the wall
Got to beat it
my head, my heart
stain the walls.
Consitent pounding
Handball, slam!
handle the return
not doing it for the returns
I can’t help it
I return,
in observance
for confession
and absolution.
Thursday, March 15, 2012

When does
my Quinceañera begin?
My butchness flower?
Gardenia, pungent, white
pure, innocence
in a bottle aromatic
to be free
Heading that way!
Rites of passage
Rights of passage.
Passing over me
my whole self
when you cross me.
Right to passage, I say!
Evolve, get out the way!
Write my passages
pages and more pages
Mad man!
So, so mad
the pace, Quinceañera.
As in, cada quincena
te traigo tu domingo
No siete!
una sobre la otra
but all RICH.
You devour
MY vowels.
You Fester
in my bowels.
Digo, quisiera
As in “ya quisieras”
Si pudieras lo harías?
“Si lo hago,
Ya no me hago
La Pendeja!
Le atine.
Wear me Proud
Were you proud?
Wore down a little,
not rubbed out
what nut
breaking my head
figuring it out.
and they will do onto you.
you learn
Let go.
Bye bye hair
I didn’t care anymore
Wore my sideburns
Like a waffer
Long, dark,
To me
to myself
in the mirror
I see me.
Have to like what I see
can’t see anything else otherwise.
Quisiera retener el tiempo
like retaining water
Seria incomodo?
Ya no me incomodo
No me incomodas
Es como vas aprendiendo
Préndete del presente
vivir la misma historia
es cosa rara.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
I don’t believe in Valentines
Look at these hands
they love you good.
Suck my finger
Suck it!
Go ‘head
deny me
I wish you would.
I got you deep
rooted, wood.
Look at this hand.
Hand over your skin
to me-
Opened pores,
you, like a honeycomb
me endulsas.
Hand over your skin
pour myself into you.
one small step for…
These fingers
trigger fingers
one giant leap
in your cunt
“mellon ballers.”
Scratchy throat
red, burning, paprika
from your hollers
me asustan
nails on chalkboard.
Inflamation of the joints
knuckles flexing, slow tentacles
reaching out
Venus flytrap
tempting, lock me in
push me out
all sticky, pasty,
to my skin.
Inflammation of the joints
burning at my center
my wrist, limp
been working my nerve
can’t deel with the numbness
I gotta work that nerve.
Yeah, right there
Get me that release
Spilling it for you, baby
Revealing it to you, baby.
Don’t look at my hand
take it.
Hanzel and Gretel with me
Leaving traces of ourselves
trails and tribulations
Dot, dot, dot connect
a line
bridge those islands
fear and love
fear of love
loving fear
love in fear
you so ornery!
Don’t get all fizzeled
On me.
Cum on
You do.
Take my hand
Look how deep
My love line go
Life line,
Call a
Call me
your friend
Your bed buddy
our legs like crickets.
Crickets, crickets, crikets
we lie in the silence
pulsing with sex energy
Glow bugs!
Thighs undone
Spread those legs
Lock those ankles
Butterfly me
We tandem
through this world.
Make you jump
out your skin
Knees clackin
Lips like liquid
Drool on me.
I don’t believe
spear you.
Succumb to the warmth
Cupped hands.
they love you good.
Suck my finger
Suck it!
Go ‘head
deny me
I wish you would.
I got you deep
rooted, wood.
Look at this hand.
Hand over your skin
to me-
Opened pores,
you, like a honeycomb
me endulsas.
Hand over your skin
pour myself into you.
one small step for…
These fingers
trigger fingers
one giant leap
in your cunt
“mellon ballers.”
Scratchy throat
red, burning, paprika
from your hollers
me asustan
nails on chalkboard.
Inflamation of the joints
knuckles flexing, slow tentacles
reaching out
Venus flytrap
tempting, lock me in
push me out
all sticky, pasty,
to my skin.
Inflammation of the joints
burning at my center
my wrist, limp
been working my nerve
can’t deel with the numbness
I gotta work that nerve.
Yeah, right there
Get me that release
Spilling it for you, baby
Revealing it to you, baby.
Don’t look at my hand
take it.
Hanzel and Gretel with me
Leaving traces of ourselves
trails and tribulations
Dot, dot, dot connect
a line
bridge those islands
fear and love
fear of love
loving fear
love in fear
you so ornery!
Don’t get all fizzeled
On me.
Cum on
You do.
Take my hand
Look how deep
My love line go
Life line,
Call a
Call me
your friend
Your bed buddy
our legs like crickets.
Crickets, crickets, crikets
we lie in the silence
pulsing with sex energy
Glow bugs!
Thighs undone
Spread those legs
Lock those ankles
Butterfly me
We tandem
through this world.
Make you jump
out your skin
Knees clackin
Lips like liquid
Drool on me.
I don’t believe
spear you.
Succumb to the warmth
Cupped hands.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My snake’s heart
can be salty
como saladito.
I refuse to lick
them- my wounds anymore.
Exposed like the life of a party
revealed- taking the life out da’ party
killing the bubbly romance.
It’s in my hands
it’s in my hand
crushing it gorgeous
mi corazon.
I…need love
a muse
My muse
LET you muse
on my love.
Love- what I do
Love feel it right
right feel to my love.
This is how it’ll be
I promise
over and over EVER
208 times
disregard my warning;
Don’t play!
Electricity, electric,
you charge me.
Our chemistry
molecular bonds bonded.
You’re hard like chemistry
String me along
break my head
show me things
cause crazy reactions.
Break my head
expose you to my thoughts
changing matters.
Can’t figure this interaction.
Respond not reaction?
Break my head
open, free, ego drop
wait that’s gravity
it’s all physical
our science.
Under our skin
read it
with your finger tips.
My dark matter
hangs over me
weight can break my head.
I don’t know…tell me more
all you have in store share
what you know….
You know
we’ll never
be desensitized
in our familiarity
tell me what you know
even if I know it all already.
Those stories you tell
like a dusty poem
gets picked at
the “could have been”
Scabbing away old wound
feels good.
I… need love
I need you
wrap your hand
friend of mine
in mine…
feel my serpent’s heart
pulse in yours.
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